Holidays in Jalal-Abad

The world’s largest natural walnut forests

If you are going to Kyrgyzstan, then be sure to go to the south of our beautiful country. It is worth going here in the warm season and it is best to do it by car.
And we organize a transfer from the airport.
And on the way back, you can already choose air transport to admire the mountain peaks.

The first place we will go to in Jalal-Abad is Too-ashu gorge.
Too-ashu is also called the “camel” pass because of the many mountain peaks. Dozens of sharp turns and sharp climbs await you.
The height of the pass is 3.5 thousand meters above sea level, which means you can actually touch the sky.

The road from Bishkek to Jalal-Abad lasts two and a half hours, sun, fog, rain and even snow await you – this is the amazing feature of the pass for which travelers love it so much.

Along the way, you will find the Suusamyr Valley, which is considered one of the coldest places in the country. In winter it gets down to -30. And in the summer you can collect mushrooms and drink kymyz – mare’s milk.

Then we will show you the local Paris
This is the place in the valley where people stop to eat or get their car fixed. It got its name a quarter of a century ago for the bright and only night lights in the endless valley.

Over time, many other cafes opened along the route, and people began to stop there. But the name of the location remained. Here you can buy kurut – a dry fermented milk product made from dried suzma, try the local cuisine and relax a bit. They also serve amazing dumplings. It is difficult to explain why these dumplings are really special, they say, you understand this only after trying it. This dish is so popular that it is prepared by up to six craftswomen 24 hours a day.

Jalal-Abad is the second in terms of population and the third in terms of area in all of Kyrgyzstan. At the entrance, travelers are greeted by fruit sellers – small apples, which can not be found anywhere else, are offered right in bags, as they used to sell seeds.

Here we will also visit the mud baths. It is in Jalal-Abad that the largest balneological resort in the country is located. It was opened on the basis of thermal and radon waters. They contain all useful minerals from the periodic table. If you drink this water in the morning, before breakfast, most of the problems associated with digestion and bowel function can be solved. These waters were recognized as curative 150 years ago. And they are adjacent to the territory for walking in 37 hectares.

We will definitely take a walk in the Arslanbob tract and a thousand-year-old walnut.

Arslanbob is the largest natural walnut forest in the world. Their area is more than 600 thousand hectares.

Among the trees there are those that have reached a height of 30 meters, their age exceeds 1000 years, they give 300 kilograms of nuts each.

They say that Alexander the Great brought hazelnuts taken from here to Greece, they became walnuts, but they could have been Kyrgyz.

We will also go for a walk along the mountain slopes. More than 100 species of plants grow here: pistachio, almond, pear, apple, cherry.

We will see beautiful waterfalls.

And we will pass on a special bridge over one of them.

It is necessary to study these beauties with a tent or a sleeping bag, because it is impossible to see all the local beauties in one day.

Our guides will tell you beautiful campfire legends, the tragic story of a 12-year-old girl and show you where the spread of Islam in Central Asia began.

But it is better to see once, and therefore after the tract we will go to the Shah Fazil memorial complex – a place of pilgrimage for Muslims.

This place is considered holy, because it was from here that the Arabs began to spread Islam in the 7th century. Here they set up the first mosque, where they were attacked by opponents of the new religion and killed almost 3,000 thousand worshipers.

Nearby, kumbez Safed Bulan, where men are strictly forbidden – this is the 12-year-old girl with a unique story that can only be found in Jalal-Abad.

There are several options for real nomadic accommodation for you to choose from:

  • Premium yurt with queen size beds.
  • The nomad's yurt is authentic to the ancient way of life.
  • Hostel-style yurt.